Lady Elizabeth Hastings

Lady Elizabeth Hastings

CE VA Primary School

  1. Church School
  2. Local Ministry

Local Ministry

A message from our Vicar - Reverend Andy Robinson

rev andy robinson2

It is a great privilege to be able to invite the school into church for church experience days like the one on 3rd Feb. We have another one coming up on Thu 24th March when we also have a special service for Maundy Thursday, the day when we especially remember Jesus’s last supper on the night before he died.

This of course leads on to Good Friday and the festival of Easter. This is when we celebrate Jesus’s resurrection from death, and if the story is true, then the implications of it are phenomenal, because it means that there is nothing bad that has happened that cannot be made better, and nothing which has been broken that cannot be mended, even life itself.

The Japanese have a word ‘kintsukoroi’ which means to repair something with gold, making the repaired object more precious and beautiful for having been broken in the first place.

This can be taken by Christians as symbolising resurrection – the idea that death and hell and sin are not the last word, but that God has the power to raise the dead, lift up the fallen and heal the broken.

We often ask ourselves how a God of love can allow bad things to happen, and this can often be a reason why it is very difficult to have any faith at all. The resurrection isn’t a direct answer to that question, but if it is true, perhaps we can also believe that God in his goodness will make everything better than before.

So I wish you all a happy Easter, trusting and hoping and praying that God will show you in his own way that he is a God of healing and restoration, and although bad things happen (like the crucifixion), God is always at work to bring resurrection.
Andy Robinson

Interview with Reverend Robinson

by Lily H

Today in class we asked Reverend Robinson some questions about himself.

He loves spicy food like curry. Also he loves spending time at other churches. In church Reverend Robinson loves praying about everything. Before he became a vicar he used to be a nurse for 20 years. He has a little girl called Elizabeth. He started reading the bible when he was in primary school.

by Owen B

Reverend Robinson is a vicar who plays a guitar. I think he does his job extremely well, sometimes he stops playing his guitar and watches TV. Rev loves loads of different dishes and there’s hardly anything he doesn’t like…… if it’s food, that is!

He has such a strong relationship with God that it has inspired Reverend to get a job as a vicar.